Author: Beste Kalfaoglu

Managing Big Emotions Through Movement: Yoga for Kids

Given the popularity of the first two Managing Big Emotions Printable Posters (you can find poster one here and poster two here), today I have teamed up with the author of Kids Yoga Stories, Giselle Shardlow, to bring you a simple yoga for kids sequence to use as a calm down activity with your child. Be sure to read through Giselle’s suggestions for introducing the series, especially if you have never tried yoga with your child before.

Calm Down Yoga Routine for kids - help children manage big emotions

Imagine that your child has a friend over for a play date. They are busy playing together, when suddenly your child’s Lego structure gets knocked down. From your child’s facial expression, you see that she is about to explode. You catch her eye and give her the signal. Then she darts away to her “calm zone,” where you hear her counting down from five, while going through five yoga poses for kids. There’s a break of silence, and then after a little bit, your child comes back down to resume play. You look at each other and wink.

Sounds blissful, right? But it is possible. Helping children to regulate their emotions doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. Science tells us that the parts of the human brain that are critical to handling emotions aren’t fully developed until into we’re in our twenties, but we can take little steps when children are young to help them manage their feelings.

Brain research shows us that movement and breath help to alleviate stress and anxiety. Our bodies are designed to move—just think about how many miles a day the cave people used to run every day. Modern people lead mostly sedentary lives, and we almost have to relearn how to use movement to lead happy and healthy lives.

Managing Emotions through Yoga for Kids

Don’t worry if your family hasn’t tried yoga before; use the images and descriptions below as a guide. Focus on using movement to invite calm, and don’t worry about practicing perfectly aligned poses. Ensure that your child has enough space to practice the poses so that they aren’t bumping heads or stubbing toes. And make sure that they are safe with their bodies. For example, they shouldn’t be trying to wrap themselves into pretzels or bending into deep back bends. Have them focus on gentle movement that feels comfortable. This process will help to increase their body awareness, too.

Introduce the idea of yoga and the yoga poses long before the tantrum starts, so you’ll be familiar with the routine when it’s time to take action. Your child will feed off your enthusiasm when you introduce this yoga-pose sequence. Explain that it’s good for their brain. Introduce the “Move to Calm” strategy when you are both in a good mood and connected with each other. You might find yourself practicing the yoga pose sequence to manage your own emotions, too!

As your child goes through the flow of these five yoga poses, he can pretend to be a surfer, tree, skier, dog, and owl. If he’s interested, he could also state the corresponding “I am…” statements. Once he is comfortable with the yoga-pose sequence, he can take a deep breath in and a deep breath out during each pose, to further help to calm his body and mind.

So let’s look at the Move to Calm strategy. Depending on the age and needs of your child, you might practice only one yoga pose (like Child’s Pose) and count down from five while in that pose. But let’s say your child is ready to choose five yoga poses. She could make up her own sequence by looking at our Yoga Poses for Kids page for inspiration or by following this yoga flow sequence.


WARRIOR_2_POSE“I am strong.” Pretend to be a surfer.
To do Warrior 2 Pose: From standing position, step one foot back, placing the foot so that it is facing slightly outwards. Take your arms up in parallel to the ground, bend your front knee, and look forward. Pretend to be a surfer and use your strength to catch tricky waves.





TREE_POSE“I am kind.” Pretend to be a tree.
To do Tree Pose: Stand on one leg, bend your knee, place the sole of your foot on the opposite inner thigh, and balance. Sway like a tree. Think of trees being kind by offering shade, creating oxygen, and providing homes to animals.





CHAIR_POSE“I am brave.” Pretend to be a skier.
To do Chair Pose: Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees, and keep a straight spine. Hold your hands out in front of you, pretending to grasp ski poles as you fly down a ski run like a brave and fearless skier.





DOWNWARD_DOG_POSE“I am friendly.” Pretend to be a dog.

To do Downward-Facing Dog Pose: Bend down and place your palms flat on the ground. Step your feet back to create an upside-down V shape with your buttocks high in the air. Straighten your legs, relax your head and neck, and look down between your legs. Think of being an eager and friendly dog.





HERO_POSE“I am wise.” Pretend to be an owl.
To do Hero Pose: Drop your knees to the ground and come down to rest upright on your heels. Then pretend to be a wise owl perched on a tree. Twist your upper body one way and then the other.

Start slowly and focus on your child’s success. If your child doesn’t click with using movement as a calming down strategy, don’t push it. Leave it for a while, and then try again. Just like every strategy, nothing is a one-size-fits-all solution, so feel free to adapt and change the yoga method to suit your child’s interests and needs. Introducing the idea of using movement and breath to help their brains to re-boot and re-focus is what’s important.

To download your poster: Click on your chosen poster image below – there are two versions for you to choose from. This will open a larger PDF version that you can download to your own computer. Open the PDF and print. When printing, select “Fit to printable area” (or similar) to ensure the page fits with your printer type and local paper size (these have been created at A4 size). I printed ours onto matte photo paper. Personal, non commercial use only.

Calm Down Yoga Routine for kids - help children manage big emotions Calm Down for Kids Poster copy

A reminder: These posters are as much, if not more, for the parent or significant adult helping the child manage these emotions, as they are for the child. They are a tool to open discussion with your child about having a calm down plan and they can act as a visual prompt to help you (the adult) as you guide your child in that moment when they are struggling to manage. You know your child best and so while this process will work well for some children, it may not work for others. In the same way, their effectiveness will depend on the age and development of your child.

quoted from “”

12 Amazing Engineering Projects for Kids

I am joining my friends from Kid Blogger Network in a round up of topics interesting for parents and caregivers looking for fun activities to do with their kids. Since my 7 year old is very convinced that she will become an engineer, specifically, a mechanical engineer, I want to share 12 amazing engineering projects for kids from the blogosphere including, of course, ideas from this blog.

12 Amazing Engineering Projects for Kids to try at home

Disclosure: I am an Amazon associate, and this post contains Amazon affiliate links. For full disclosure, please click here, and thank you for supporting my blog!

1. Build a toy parachute

Toy parachute tutorial from Zakka Life
You can treat this project as an engineering challenge or follow an excellent toy parachute tutorial from Zakka Life. And check out this terrific round up of crafts that fly from The Pleasantest Thing.

2. Be a Junk Modeler!

Cardboard City from Lemon Lime Adventures
Cardboard is a cheap and easily available material for young engineers. Build a cardboard city from Lemon Lime Adventures or visit my blog buddy Mama Smiles: Joyful Parenting who guest posted on In the Playroom about 10 wondrous things one can do with cardboard boxes.

3. Make Your Own Geoboard

I like this “industrial strength” geoboard from Crayon Box Chronicles because my 7 year old can practice screwing bolts and then play with her new board. Definitely doing one this summer!

4. Build a Catapult

Everyone loves flinging objects across some distance, and there are several ways to build catapults including an open ended “engineering challenge” project. I like this simple catapult from Kids Activities Blog , and this post also contains links to more advanced catapult version.

5. Design a Boat that Floats

Designing the boat that floats was the first engineering challenge for my 7 year old and her friend, and it was fun to see how they approached this task. Clearly, my daughter still needs to learn a lot before becoming an engineer.
Boat that floats from Planet Smarty Pants

6. Paper Airplanes ++

Testing different designs of airplanes is fun by itself, but Frugal Fun 4 Boys took it to the next level with a DIY paper airplane launcher.
Paper Airplane Launcher from Frugal Fun 4 Boys

7. Build a Balloon-Powered Car…

Future engineers need to understand forces of nature. Science Sparks has a brilliant post about forces and a great project to go with it – a balloon powered Lego car.
Balloon powered Lego car from Science Sparks

8. … Build a Propeller-Powered Car…

I pinned this propeller-powered car from Instructables as a potential summer project, but my daughter did something very similar this week in Camp Galileo (sponsored link), except her car their was driven by a sail.
A Propeller Car from Instructables

9. … Or Build an Egg Racer Car

This was another engineering challenge that we had around Easter – first we made egg drivers and then each of us designed a race car for our drivers.. Of course, Papa’s car won!
Lego Egg Racer from Planet Smarty Pants

10. Build a Robot

Robots hold endless fascination for future engineers. I am intrigued by this bristle bot from Evil Mad Scientist. I also highly recommend to check out this Really Rocking Robot Roundup from Brain Power Boy.
A Bristle Bot from Mad Evil Scientist

11. Design a Marble Run

We have a marble run set, and Smarty enjoys trying out different configurations, but I still have a self-made marble run on the list of things to do. I love this simple DIY marble run from toilet paper rolls from TinkerLab, but Buggy and Buddy has a great round up of homemade marble run ideas to choose from.
DIY Marble Run from Tinkerlab

12. Cool Off With Ice Architecture

Last, but not least Almost Unschoolers is a treasure trove of great ideas for older kids. She has several great ice architecture ideas including this Ice Cube Roman Arch.
An Ice Arch from Almost Unschoolers

quoted from “”

Sanatta Yaratıcılığı Öğretmenin 10 Temel Kuralı

1. Bir çalışmanın nasıl olması gerektiği konusundaki beklentilerinizi unutup, neyi nasıl kullanacağını çocuğunuzun kararına bırakın. (Yaratıcı düşüncenin esası olan keşfi engelleyen şey, anne babanın direktifleridir.)

2. Asla çocuğunuzun çalışmasına elinizi sürmeyin. (Çocuğun bir resmi kendi başına ortaya koyması, sizin resme yapacağınız katkıdan daha önemlidir.) Sizin müdahaleniz çocuğun cesaretini kırabilir.

3. Resimdeki tesadüfi şekilleri gerçek nesnelere benzetmeyin. (Bu, çalışmanın değerini yitirmesine yol açacaktır.)

4. Çocuğa “nasıl” çizmesi gerektiğini göstermeye kalkmayın ya da onun adına gerçek resimler çizmeyin. (Öğretmeye çalıştıklarınız, çocuğunuzun “keşfetmesini, yaratmasını” engeller nitelikte olabilir.)

5. Çocuğunuza asla “Bu ne?” ya da “Ne çiziyorsun?” gibi sorular sormayın. (Onun yaptığı şeyin nasıl olduğu, ne olduğundan daha önemlidir.)

6. Çocuğunuza asla boyama kitapları, kalıplar, çizim makineleri gibi sanatsal yaratıcılığı engelleyen oyuncaklar almayın. (Başkasının yarım bıraktığı bir şeyi tamamlamak çocuğunuz için herhangi bir yarar sağlamayacaktır.)

7. Asla çocuğunuzu resim yarışmalarına veya çocukları karşı karşıya getiren etkinliklere katılmaya yöneltmeyin. (Çocuklar için en faydalı olanı amaçlarını belirleyip kendi kendilerine yarışmalarıdır.)

8. Çocuğunuzu, tek doğru yanıtı bulmaya değil, çözüm olabilecek pek çok alternatif üretmeye yöneltin. (Gerçek yaşamda her sorunun tek bir çözümü yoktur. Sanat sorunları nasıl çözebileceklerini öğretir çocuklara.)

9. Uygun olmayan yüzeylere resim çizdiği için çocuğunuzu asla azarlamayın, ona kağıt verip “Güzel. Çizme isteğin kabardı anlaşılan,” deyin. (Her zaman olumlu tepkiler verin, çizim yapmak istediğini fark ettiğinizi vurgulayın mesela.)

10. Bir gelişim sürecini tamamlamadan diğerine geçmeye zorlamayın çocuğunuzu. (Her aşama önemlidir, birinden diğerine hızla geçmek yarardan çok zarar getirebilir.)

Etkinliğe ve yaşa göre düzenlenmiş “Sanatsal Gelişim Standartları”, çocuğunuzun gelişimini izlemede size rehber olabilir.


6-12 Ay  : Tutar, bakar, pasteli ağzına götürür.

12-18 Ay :Karalama denemeleri yapar.

18-24 Ay : Yatay, dikey ve çapraz çizgiler çizer, karalama denemeleri yapar ve dokuyla ilgilenir.

24-30 Ay : Yuvarlak hatlı karalamalar yapar, değişik biçimler dener.

30-36 Ay : Çizgileri birleştirerek şekiller oluşturur ve bu şekiller adlandırır.

36-42 Ay : Resimleri hakkında öyküler anlatır, insan resimleri çizmeye başlayabilir.


6-12 Ay  : Kile dokunur ve onun tadına bakar.

12-18 Ay : Kili çimdirir, sıkar ve koparır.

18-24 Ay : Yılan gibi şeritler yapar.

24-30 Ay : Kilden toplar yapar, objeleri adlandırır ve onlarla oynar.

30-36 Ay : Kili süslemeye, ona bir şeyler saplamaya başlar.

36-42 Ay : Kille tasarımlar yapar, yapılar kurar.


6-12 Ay  : Boyayı ellerine sürer ve tadına bakar.

12-18 Ay : Vücudunu boyar, boyalı elleriyle şaplaklar atar.

18-24 Ay : Fırça ile karalamalar yapar, çizgiler çizer.

24-30 Ay : Karalamadaki gelişimine devam eder.

30-36 Ay : Yüzeyleri tümüyle boyamaya başlar.

36-42 Ay : Kağıdın tüm yüzeyini farklı boya tabakalarıyla kaplar.

http://www.egitimpedia. com’dan alıntıdır

0-6 Yaş Çocuklarında Kaba Motor Beceri Gelişim Basamakları

Kaba Motor Becerisi Nedir?

Kaba motor becerisi, çocuğun büyük kas gruplarını kullandığı emeklemek, yürümek, zıplamak, dönmek ve denge gibi hareketlerin kontrolünün sağlanmasıdır. Çevreyi keşfetmek için ve belirli bir hareketi gerçekleştirmek için uyumlu hareketlerin koordine edilmesi için gereklidir.

0-1 Yaş Kaba Motor Gelişimi

  • Karın üstü yatarken yaklaşık 10 saniye kadar önce göğüs kafesini daha sonra kafasını yukarı kaldırabilir ( 1-3 Ay).
  • Karın üstü yatarken sırt üstüne kendini yuvarlayabilir ( 4 Ay).
  • Sırt üstü yatarken kendini karın üstü olacak şekilde yuvarlayabilir (5 Ay).
  • Destekle oturabilir ( 5 Ay).
  • Desteksiz oturabilir (7 Ay).
  • Karın üstü emekleyebilir (8-9 Ay).
  • Dizleri ve kollarından destek olarak emekleyebilir (9-10 Ay).
  • Destekle ayakta durabilir, tutunarak adım atabilir (10 Ay).
  • Bağımsız adım atabilir ( 10-15 Ay).

1-2 Yaş Kaba Motor Gelişimi

  • Merdivenden yukarı emekleyerek çıkabilir (14-15).
  • Merdivenden emekleyerek aşağı inebilir (15-16).
  • Tek el desteği ile merdivenden yukarı çıkabilir (15-16).
  • Geri geri yürüyebilir (18 Ay).
  • Merdivenden tel el desteği ile inebilir ( 18-20 Ay).
  • Koşabilir (18-24 Ay).
  • Yere eğilip düşmeden oyuncağını alabilir (18-24 Ay).
  • Merdivenden desteksiz çıkabilir (23-24 Ay).
  • İleri ve yukarı zıplayabilir (19-24 Ay).
  • Ayağı ile topa vurabilir (19-24 Ay).


2-3 Yaş Kaba Motor Gelişimi 

  • Desteksiz merdivenden inebilir (24-25 Ay).
  • Topu 2 metre kadar uzağa atabilir (25-30 Ay).
  • Her basamağa bir ayağını koyarak desteksiz merdivenden yukarı çıkabilir (31-36 Ay).
  • 2 ayağı ile ileri zıplayabilir, 5 cm yüksekliğindeki bir şeyi üzerinden zıplayabilir ( 32-36 Ay).
  • 3 saniye kadar tek ayak üzerinde durabilir (31-36 Ay).
  • 5 metre kadar uzaktan topu karşıya atabilir ve yakalayabilir (31-36 Ay).
  • 3 tekerlekli bisiklete binebilir (31-36 ay).


3-6 Yaş Kaba Motor Gelişimi

  • Tek ayak üzerinde 10 saniye kadar dengede durabilir (55-60 Ay).
  • Aralıksız 5 kez üst üste zıplayabilir (55-60 Ay).
  • İp atlayabilir (61-72 Ay).
  • 10 cm yüksekliğindeki bir şeyin üzerinden zıplayabilir
  • 2 ayağı ile 1 metre kadar ileriye zıplayabilir (49-60 Ay)

Gelişmsel Uyarı İşaretleri

6 Ay Gelişim Uyarıları

  • Yüz üstü yatarken göğsünü veya kafasını kaldıramama
  • Sırt üstünden karın üstüne veya karın üstünden sırt üstüne
  • En az 60 saniye desteksiz oturmama

12 Ay Gelişim Uyarıları

  • Emekleyememe
  • Bir yere tutunarak ayakta durmama
  • Ebeveyn yardımı ile ayakta durmama

18 Ay Gelişim Uyarıları

  • Desteksiz ayakta durmama
  • Desteksiz yürüyememe

2 Yaş Gelişim Uyarıları:

  • Merdivenden emekleyerek inememe-çıkamama
  • Ebeveynin elinden veya duvardan destek alarak merdivenden çıkmamam
  • Koşamama
  • Top atamama

3-5 Yaş Gelişim Uyarıları:

  • Tek ayak üzerinde zıplayamama
  • 2 ayak ile yukarı veya ileri zıplayamama
  • Sadece elleri kullanarak topu tutamama
  • 3 tekerlekli bisiklete binememe
  • Tek ayak üzerinde kısa bir süre dengede duramama

Eğer çocuğunuz yaşıtlarına uygun kaba motor gelişimi göstermiyor ise çocuk doktorunuz ile görüşmenizi tavsiye ederim. Çalışmaya yılmadan devam. ‘dan alıntıdır.

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